18 August 2021

It’s been a busy week!

The School Board met last night till late, with an engaging agenda, featuring a presentation by my deputy Erika about her portfolio – Learning Environment.

This encompasses the main areas of students at educational risk; positive behaviour management; and health and wellbeing. Erika gave lots of information about our philosophy, processes and initiatives in these areas.  If you are interested in this area and would like to know more, Erika is always happy to chat with you, as am I. Relevant polices are available in the office.  Lacey, the Board Chair will write an update on the meeting shortly.

We have had a series of interesting activities in the quad for Science Week this week, thanks to Mr Townsend, and classes have enjoyed lots of guest speakers, cooking and research.

Congratulations to Connor and Andrew who fought it out in front of a big crowd for the title of Richmond chess champion today! Andrew took the honours in a great game. Thanks to Jason our chaplain for organising. I’ll post a photo on Facebook.

Thanks to the Dads of Richmond Kids group and to kindy parents who helped at two busy bees last weekend. Thanks too to those parents who ran the cake stall at the last assembly and raised $700 for rooms 14 and 5 – amazing!

Things look productive for next week too. The next stage of our junior nature play area starts on Monday, with the construction of water features. It will be fenced off for a week as of tomorrow, and the children will be able to watch the construction process.

Book week parade is next Wednesday at 9.00am and everyone is very welcome to watch.  On the topic of dress ups, excitement is already building for Richmond’s got Talent, with dozens of acts signing up this week ready to audition next week. Sign up sheets are around the school and filling quickly.

I’m running another parent tour on Thursday. These are very popular and run every couple of weeks. You don’t have to be a new family, anyone can come along to have a look around.

As advised in a recent update, following a concern in the community, signs will shortly be erected reminding people that no dogs are allowed on school grounds. Thanks for your cooperation with this, which is in the interest of health and safety for children.

Finally, if you have applied for kindergarten in 2022 and haven’t yet had a letter, please could you give the office a ring. Some letters seem to have taken over two weeks to arrive!

Enjoy the welcome sunshine, and if you haven’t already done so, pencil in 15 September to get a day off work for our athletics carnival. It’s one of the best days of the year.

Lisa Dentith

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