27 July 2020

School continues to be very busy despite the reduction in community events.

Over the holidays, we had rooms 11, 12 and 13 refurbished with new carpet, painting and blinds.  Rooms 4-10 were re-carpeted and will soon be painted.  Our aim is for all rooms to be refurbished by the end of this year.

Over the summer, our veranda boards were sanded and stained and exterior paintwork done around the quad and undercover area. We also renovated the staff and resource rooms.  Last year the kindy was painted and new vinyl laid.

The school is looking great, as we try to bring all areas up to the standard of the new admin space.  My sincere thanks go to my business manager, Elaine, for managing the funding and coordination of this massive refurbishment project across the school.

We are hopeful that things will continue to improve in WA and we continue to schedule events, which are on the website calendar.

Tomorrow it’s cross country at Henry Jeffery Oval for years 3 to 6.  Letters have gone home. Parents are welcome to spectate, but please do social distance.   If you have volunteered to walk with students from school to the venue, please could you meet your class on the school oval at 11.00am, and avoid the quad or classrooms. Thank you for helping with this supervision, we really appreciate it.

We have also put together a provisional assembly schedule, pending phase 5.  We plan to run combined classes so everyone gets a turn.

The Dads of Richmond Kids are planning their annual river bike ride for Sunday 9 August at 3.00pm. This is always a lot of fun, with dads and kids cycling to meet the rest of their family at the Swan Yacht Club. It’s a free event but please could you register for a ticket so that the organisers can plan accordingly. For more information please get in touch with Matt on phoenix3@iinet.net.au

Before school tennis has started again this term – here is the link. Years 1 and 2 are on Thursdays, and years 3 to 6 are on Fridays.

Finally, for your forward planning, our school athletics carnival is scheduled for September 16 over at Gil Fraser Reserve in North Fremantle.

I really hope all these events go ahead as planned and that you can make it to some of them. Thank you, as always, for your flexibility and support.

Lisa Dentith

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