Welcome back to 2022. I am excited about taking on the role of Principal at Richmond Primary School. I would like to acknowledge the work Lisa and the team as the school has a well-deserved reputation for quality teaching and strong links with the community. The campus is well maintained a great learning environment for students. I have received a comprehensive handover and I am looking forward to visiting the classrooms and meeting the wider school community early in the term.
As for the past two years the number one priority will be to navigate the school through the ever-changing COVID response. Planning is in place and will be shared with School Board and P&C with regular communication via existing platforms. Our response will be in line with Education Department directives and will be actioned as a priority.
Parents are welcome on the grounds with appropriate distancing and will need to wear masks and sign in using the ServiceWA app (QR codes are on all doors) if they are entering a classroom.
In the early years (K & PP) staff will have strategies in place to ensure parents can wait for students to be settled if required.
Drop-off for Pre Primary & Kindy
On Monday, please bring your child to their class and help them hang up their bag, so they know where it is. Make your way to your child’s teacher, in the outside area, where you may sit together. The teacher will ring a bell when it is time for parents to say goodbye and the children go into classrooms.
Pickup for Pre Primary
The children will be dismissed by the teacher/EA at the basketball courts to an adult. Pre Primary children are not permitted to leave with older siblings, unless approved by the Principal. If someone different is going to be collecting your child (eg grandparent, friend), can you please contact the school admin to notify us in advance, as we are not always able to access emails during teaching hours.
Drop-off for Yr 1 to 6
We would like students to make their way to the classroom with parents where teachers will greet them at the door. If you feel your child requires your assistance, there is a limit of 6 parents per classroom.
I look forward to meeting the students and parents over the next few weeks and look forward to working with the School Community. My shirt is usually untucked so I am easily recognised and I am always up for a chat.
Please click here for a Department of Education Fact Sheet for Back to school; keeping your child safe
Dale Mackesey