It seems like the minute I predicated that this term would be more manageable, we went into lockdown… Thankfully we have been able to open up again this week, with our masks and relatively few other restrictions.
Most things have been able to continue: Edu dance has had a great start, with the P-3s loving the workout; inter-school sports will go ahead tomorrow for our year 6 teams in netball, soccer and AFL, but unfortunately we are not permitted to have spectators this week; running club and after school activities have all returned as normal. The main thing has been adults not being permitted to gather.
Unfortunately, the P&C parent sundowner, planned for tomorrow evening, has been cancelled due to the twenty person gathering limit. The P&C will communicate further about this.
We have a few events planned for next week, namely a pre-primary assembly; Dads of Richmond Kids mother’s day café in the quad; more interschool sport; and a school tour. We have to wait for the premier’s announcement at the weekend to see if any of these events will be affected and I will let you know when I know.
The School Board election closes tomorrow at 4.00pm. Your youngest child was given a voting slip last week. If it hasn’t made it home to you, and you’d like to vote, there are more forms in the office. Please can you give your voting slip to the front desk or to kindy and have your name crossed off. All parents with an enrolled child are eligible to vote.
It’s another week until the national school opinion survey closes – the link was in Connect last week. Thanks for filling it in if you get a chance.
Finally, a quick reminder that we are currently taking applications for 2022 kindergarten. One class is already full. I really appreciate you letting friends and neighbours know that it’s time to apply.
That’s all for a short week, hope you enjoy the weekend!
Lisa Dentith