One of the great things about having this website is that hopefully it is a one stop shop for all things Richmond. I am trying hard to ensure that it is.
I have added a couple of things recently.
First you will have noticed that we are endeavouring to reduce our use of paper. If we were to send hard copy notes home for everything, there would currently be over 2000 notes in children’s bags. It is quite mind boggling. To make it easier to find the notes you need, I have created a page to house them all together under the ‘Information’ tab. Personal items lists for 2021 are also on this page: letters and forms.
As soon as possible we will make the online forms fill-in-able (the Department of Education is working on a system to make this secure).
Secondly, I have added a lot of information to the Centenary page and will keep this updated as things develop: Richmond Centenary.
And finally, the P&C page is full of information about their operations. It’s time now to call for interest for the 2021 P&C committee. All positions will be declared vacant at the AGM and elections will be held. The current P&C fete committee is very happy and willing to continue to organise the Centenary Fete in term 1, so new members need not be concerned about inheriting that huge project!
To read about the P&C and possibly express your interest in joining, here’s the link: P&C 2021.
Our new chaplain, Paul, has settled in quickly and happily. All the children have had the opportunity to meet him during their art lessons and are thrilled that he can draw cartoons!
He is helping at running club, organising lunchtime basketball games and starting to build a list of children to whom he will offer additional support. If you would like to speak to him or for your child to speak to him, please let Erika Holst-Marsh know. He will only speak one-on-one to your child with your permission.
Finally, many thanks to year 6 parents and helpers for organising the P&C disco, which the children loved; huge congratulations to our Richmond netball team and their coach, who won the inter school competition last week; and good luck to our team of 60 athletes, who will represent us at the inter school athletics competition at Perry Lakes tomorrow (remember the bus leaves at 8.00am sharp!). We know they will do their best, play fair and enjoy the day!
Lisa Dentith