11 December 2019

It’s fantastic to see the interest in joining the P&C and Board for 2020.  I have had a number of emails. If you’d like to nominate for either group, please have a look at the relevant pages on our website. I have set up easy online nomination forms for: P&C general member; P&C executive officer; Board member.

All parents can become general members of the P&C. This entitles you to receive minutes, attend meetings and vote on motions regarding P&C decisions.  There is no election for these positions – all nominees become general members at the AGM.

The executive officers of the P&C will be elected at the AGM of the Association on 18 February, 2020, by and from the general members of the Association.  All general members will be eligible to vote. We are seeking: President; Vice-President; Honorary Secretary; Honorary Treasurer; 3 other committee members.  You need to nominate in advance of the AGM for these positions.

The School Board has current capacity for six parent members. If the number of nominees exceeds the available positions, there will be an election early in 2020. All parents with enrolled children at the school will be eligible to vote.   There is no general membership of the board.  Their AGM will be after any elections, provisionally 25 February.

The Board and P&C are quite different entities, so do check which one appeals to you more.

It is always important to practice gratitude – taking a moment to think about and appreciate all that we have, rather than complaining about what we think we deserve.

So, as the end of the year approaches, please could we ask that you bring in any unwanted uniform items for us to sort so our recycled uniform stall is ready to go on day one.  Also next week there will be boxes in the quad to collect unwanted textas, pencils, and crayons. These items will be taken to Bali next year and delivered to an orphanage where the children do have not have this type of stationery. Last year’s items were delivered to children living in Northern Bali and they were absolutely delighted to receive them.

Thanks to your generosity, we are this week able to send over 1000 food items to Foodbank WA to distribute at Christmas. I posted a cute photo on Facebook. Thanks room 4 organisers!

The term 4 edition of ‘Things we love to eat’ will be on sale at the final assembly and from reception. It contains all the food and recipes our gardening club has been growing and making. Thanks to Lise and Lee for running our ‘popular ‘Seed to Plate’ Program at school. This year their focus has been on growing vegetables. In 2020 the focus will shift to growing herbs and flowers. Sounds like fun!

We were thrilled to receive a $1200 Telstra grant, organised by a Richmond parent, Richard, to buy plants for the area around our climbing frame. Thank you!

We also received sincere thanks from Leeming Education Support Centre, whose students we have hosted on work experience in our canteen for the past couple of years. It is a mutually positive relationship for their and our students.

Finally, remember to grab your waterslide ticket from TidyHQ to access P&C waterslides after school this Friday. Children can exchange their ticket for a wristband in the office to give them access to the slides.  And… to apply for the position of canteen manager please email the P&C or the school for more information.

Lisa Dentith

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