This week and next week, teachers invite you to year group parent information meetings to share class information. Please have a look at my last blog (5 February) for the timetable. Today’s pre-primary meeting is in the library.
Our energetic parent groups are both about to hold their Annual General Meetings. These groups represent our 700 parents and are the best way for parents to have a say and be involved. I attend all meetings and both groups are very active in the school. The board is your opportunity to look at policies and finances. The P&C is your opportunity to get involved with community events like discos and breakfasts.
The School Board will hold its AGM on Tuesday 5 March after school in the library. Nominations are sought for all positions. For more information about the board, please see the School Board section of our school website under the Our School tab.
The P&C will hold its AGM upstairs at the Left Bank on Tuesday, 19 February at 7.00pm. For more information, please see the P&C section of this website under the Parents & Community tab. Please complete the online nomination form on that page for all P&C positions, including class parent rep. We are looking for two class parent reps per classroom.
The P&C Dads of Richmond Kids annual camp out on the oval is… *DATE CHANGE* this has been changed to Saturday 16 March. Details will follow, including how to register online.
Students in years 4-6 begin swimming lessons next week for two weeks at Fremantle pool. Our Richmond community is invited to the upper school faction carnival, which follows these lessons on the morning of Tuesday 28 March. Our junior students will have swimming lessons at the end of term 3.
Thanks to everyone who has supported our P&C fundraising through Gilbert’s Fresh. Richmond Primary School P&C has earned 108,790 points ($1,087.90) to date.
Our website is updated very regularly so please do check it and the calendar for current information. Teachers are communicating specific class news via CONNECT. Please let me know if you are looking for information that is not on the website and I will add it. I hope everyone feels that they are included in the communication loop.
Lisa Dentith