Welcome back to semester 2. I hope everyone has had a happy, safe school holiday.
We begin the term with our year 3-6 faction cross country carnival on Tuesday 30 July. This year we will be having it at Henry Jeffrey Oval, where there is more space and hopefully more visibility for spectators. A letter is being sent home with students in years 3-6 today. Our interschool cross country team will be selected from years 4-6, following our school carnival and the team will represent Richmond on Tuesday 6 August. Please see our school calendar for details of these events and the athletics carnivals.
The FOGO bin system has been introduced in East Fremantle during the holidays and we are keen to embrace this at school. We have secured some of the bins from the Town of East Fremantle and our year 6 Environmental Leaders will be instrumental in implementing the new system. We will launch it on 9 August, when all our students will hear a presentation from the Town. The FOGO bins will be in the quad at breaks, and all classrooms with have a food caddie bin.
It would be really helpful if you could teach your child how to use the new bins at home and let them practise with them, so that they bring that knowledge to school.
The P&C is calling for nominations for an Arts Coordinator to run the P&C Arts committee. The coordinator will identify and assist with arts opportunities around the school. One suggestion has been to join the Champions for School Toilet Transformation group, which is very active on Facebook. If you are artistic, organised and interested, please let me or the P&C know.
The P&C is also calling for people to join their nature playground committee; and the School Board is calling for people to join their centenary book committee. The creation of a nature playground and the production of a historical book are projects to mark our centenary.
Thank you very much for collecting the earn and learn stickers for us, and to Rosa for coordinating this – we have ordered some play equipment.
The ever-social Dads of Richmond Kids group has finalised the details of their bowling night, which will be on Monday 5 August from 7.00pm at the Super Bowl. All dads and father figures are warmly invited and full details are on TidyHQ.
Enrolments for kindergarten 2020 have poured in and close this Friday. We will be full, with a waiting list, so won’t be in a position to accept late or out of area applications. Thanks for letting your friends and neighbours know of the impending deadline.
Finally, two reminders, which have been raised by the community:
Please could all drivers follow the road rules especially around the kiss and drop facility as per the signage – no parking, driver to remain with vehicle. Parking is always at a premium and we encourage children to walk or bike to school where possible.
Dogs are not permitted on the school site due to OH&S concerns. (I do make an exception for puppies carried in for ‘news’).
We are all looking forward to another busy and positive term at Richmond and thank you for your ongoing support of our school community.
Lisa Dentith