Welcome back! This term there are a few things happening.
NAPLAN is scheduled for all year 3 and 5 students on May 14th (writing), 15th (reading), 20th (language conventions) and 21st (numeracy). All the tests are online except for year 3 writing, which is completed with pencil and paper. Students have practised logging on and are familiar with the test layout. If parents are interested in walking their children (or themselves) through an example test, you can find one here: DEMONSTRATION TEST
The Hon. Sue Ellery, Minister for Education and Training was scheduled to visit us this week, but has postponed her visit pending the opening of our new administration block at the end of term 3. The former administration block has been gutted and hazardous material removed during the holidays. It is now safe. The builders are about to begin an internal rebuild and a one room extension.
For the next six months, my deputies and I are working from the demountable building on the courts, and the ‘front office’ with Lara Carter and my Business Manager, Elaine van den Elzen has moved to the library. Please come to the library to collect children, pay invoices or make any enquiries. Today we are without telephones and we have been without internet all morning, so I apologise if you have been trying to contact us to no avail. Everything should be operational tomorrow.
Next week sees the commencement of our new Chaplain, Chelsey Marsh (no relation to Erika Holst-Marsh). We look forward to welcoming Chelsey into our pastoral care team. To make an appointment to see her on a Monday or Wednesday, please go via Erika Holst-Marsh.
Applications for 2020 have now opened and application forms and enrolment guidelines are available on our website. Please could you let potential families know about this. There will be 40 places in kindergarten, filled in priority order. This is: 1. Students who live in our intake zone and have siblings at Richmond. 2. Students who live in our intake zone. 3. Students who live outside our intake zone but have siblings at Richmond.
Finally, the P&C is planning a number of parent events this term, which will be listed on our website calendar. Tickets are available here: TIDYHQ
- General meeting for all parents (class parent reps invited) on 2 May at Tradewinds, 7.30pm.
- Mums’ Night Out on 16 May at the Duke of George (jazz bar). Ticketed event.
- Polling Day Sausage Sizzle and cake stall on 18 May at school (we are a polling station).
- Dads and kids river bike ride on 19 May, meet at Zephyrs at 3.00pm, then family wind up at 5.00pm at SYC. RSPV: Pheonix3@iinet.net.au
- ‘Anxiety’ Seminar on 30 May in the school library. Ticketed event.
- Quiz Night on 14 June TBC Ticketed event.
We look forward to seeing parents at some of these events, and students back at school tomorrow, happy and rested after the holiday.
Lisa Dentith