We have started very calmly with 420 happy, rested and well prepared children. Thank you parents! This week has, so far, been a pleasure for all of us. By 8.40am this morning I could have heard a pin drop in the quad as all children chose to get into their room and start work well before the siren!
Teachers are looking forward to getting to know their new class and are busy setting up Connect to send out their first message to parents. If you have misplaced your Connect password, Lara will happily reset your account on request. There will be parent/teacher meetings over the next two weeks and all dates will be on Connect.
We are keeping the website calendar updated so please keep checking back. Assembly dates are here: https://richmondps.wa.edu.au/information/assemblies/
The canteen will open on Friday this week with a new manager, Ros Owers. Our warmest welcome and thanks to Ros for accepting this important position. Unfortunately, Leeming ESC students won’t be available to assist in the canteen this semester so please could we get some volunteers for Wednesdays (2 people) or Fridays (3 people) 8.30am -1.00pm (or part thereof) to help Ros with the service. Your children really love to see you there, and will get some free food! We only need five volunteers a week and with 600 parents plus extended family in our community this must be doable to keep the canteen going. Please consider grabbing a friend and calling 0428 884 084 to book one slot to help out.
Instrumental Music is an extension program that some schools are able to offer to enrich students in music. Selected students (based on aptitude tests) learn an instrument for just the cost of instrument hire. Lessons are free. This is a fantastic opportunity and we are pleased that in 2020 we are starting with 63 Richmond students in this program. They will have lessons from School of Instrumental Music teachers either here at Richmond or at John Curtin. Lessons should commence next week.
The WA Education Department’s Student Mobile Phones in Public Schools policy took effect from Monday. This means WA primary school students cannot have a mobile phone in their possession at school (including in their bag). Smart watches need to be on aeroplane mode. All communication between parents and students during school hours should occur via the school office. Should there be a pressing need for your child to have a mobile phone with them, please could you email me with the details? Many thanks for helping us with this new policy.
Bricks 4 Kidz has negotiated to lease our library again on Mondays for Lego workshops. If there is demand they will also run a session on Wednesdays. Please let them or me know if you would sign up for a Wednesday class. The link is on our website: After hours
Finally, as we get to know our 83 new students and catch up with the latest news from everyone else, please could you let us know if anything happens in your child’s life that is likely to impact on their school mood or performance. If we know what’s going on for them, we can work with you to support them during the day.
I am looking forward to an ongoing positive start to the year. Thank you for your support of Richmond – please do email me for any clarification.
Lisa Dentith