It was very exciting for everyone to see our artwork displayed on the 45m digital tower in Yagan Square this week. It will be there until Sunday (it plays at about 12.03pm daily) and is representing the Town of East Fremantle at the WA Local Government Convention. Each of our students contributed a piece to the mosaic, so it is a real team effort. Thank you to our very talented visual art teacher Jody Scott and to the ToEF. It looks brilliant. I have posted a photo on Facebook.
The Dads of Richmond Kids bowling night went well, both with the bowling and with the post-game discussion about the Fathering Project, DoRKs and parenting in general. Thanks for everyone’s support. There is more information about the importance of dads groups here:
Congratulations to our cross country team, who came second in the chase for the interschool meritorious shield this week. A number of our top runners did not run on the day, and I’d like to thank all the reserves who stood up and ran their hearts out. Special mention to Oli, who won the interschool silver medal for year 6 boys. In an A division competition, this is a huge achievement. Well done everyone!
On Friday, everyone from pre-primary to year 6 will be learning about the ToEF FOGO bin system, which we will introduce next week at school. Our student Environmental Leaders will be presenting the information, with a ToEF officer. It would be really helpful if you could talk to your children about the new system and let them practise this week, so that the information is familiar to them.
Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) programs are year 5 and 6 external courses run by the Education Department. Entry to the program is on merit, based on a test which all year 4 students sit. This year’s test will be next Wednesday, 14 August at 9.00am at school and information has been sent home to year 4 parents. There’s more information about PEAC here:
Kate does such a great job in the canteen, but is really short of volunteers this term. So many schools are closing down their canteen service and it makes us appreciate ours all the more. Volunteering can be from 8.30am till 1.00pm or just 8.30am till 11.00am. Your children get a free lunch and love to see you there. It’d be great if you could consider inviting grandparents, friends, older (adult) siblings etc to volunteer too. Please just let us know if you can help.
Unfortunately, one of our students was recently bitten on the leg by a dog on the oval after school hours. As everyone knows, dogs are not permitted on the school grounds for OS&H reasons. If anyone has further information about this incident, please could you let me know.
Thanks to the many parents who have given us their up to date AIR statement, which you can access here: AIR
Finally, it was great to see Maggie Dent liking one of our Facebook posts this week!
Thank you very much for your support of this blog and website. Each week, within 24 hours of the blog being published there are over 500 hits. It speaks volumes about the Richmond community.
Have a happy and safe week,
Lisa Dentith