Cystic Fibrosis – 65 Roses Appeal
Thank you to all the Richmond families who supported this campaign by buying roses this morning. We raised $250.00 for Cystic Fibrosis WA.
National Sorry Day
Australia marks National Sorry Day on May 26 each year, remembering and acknowledging the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed as children from their families and communities, otherwise known as the Stolen Generations.
Today also marks the 6th anniversary of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
View The Statement – Uluru Statement from the Heart
We have some very happy students, who won their division at the MDISSA Winter Carnival today.
Well Done Netball C Team!
Winter Bugs
This week, we’ve had high numbers of the student cohort away with various bugs.
There have been several reports of each of the following:
Influenza A, COVID 19, RSV, Gastro and Chicken Pox.
What’s Happening Next Week
Reconciliation Action Week 27 May – 3 June
Theme this year is: Be a Voice for Generations
Dental Screening
The Dental Officer and Team will be visiting the school to do Dental Health Service Screening of jaw growth and development for school children in Pre-primary, Year 3 and Year 6 who are enrolled in the School Dental Service.
Some children who missed their dental screening last year will also be seen.
There is no need for parents to attend.
Any queries please contact the Palmyra Dental Therapy Centre on 9339 4868.
Reminder – Long Weekend
Friday 2 June is a student free day and Monday 5 June is the WA Day Public Holiday.