Kaya from Wadjak Noongar Boodja
“For Our Elders” is the powerful theme of this year’s NAIDOC week, which will be celebrated around the country from this Sunday. It’s an important reminder of the role Aboriginal Elders have played guiding, teaching, and influencing all generations of Australians. We pay our respects to these Indigenous leaders who are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, and advocates – their tenacity and strength has carried the survival of our First Nations people.
Throughout this week classes have involved in many activities recognising the contribution of First Nations people. In a fitting finale, the Rooms 12 & 13 classes performed two songs – Wandjoo my friend and Bibbulmun Bonar the Noongar six seasons song; under the guidance of Emily Steedman & Ellie Larkin who have been working with classes over the past few weeks.
Reminder: School Returns on Tuesday 18 July
Finally, I would like to wish all families the best for the holidays, with many families taking off to warmer climates to enjoy thawing out. For those students staying in the cold weather, stay in your pyjamas for as long as you can and read plenty of books. It may be a great opportunity if the sun is shining to start throwing, catching and running ready for athletics next term.
Winter Festival
Last Sunday’s Winter Festival coordinated by our Yr 6 Leaders was a huge success, with many members of the community taking up the opportunity to have great food and/or pampering whilst having their cars washed magnificently. Our collective thanks go out to all the families involved as it was a joint effort. The proceeds of the day will go towards a gift to school that will be decided on by the students.

Today we are farewelling Mr Townsend who will be taking up a position at Notre Dame University. On behalf of the School Community, I would like to thank Mr Townsend who has made a significant contribution to the school in his time at Richmond PS. Ms Megan Burke will be replacing Mr Townsend and she is excited about working with the class and joining the School Community.

Italian Festival 2023
We all would like to thank Senora Blanchard for entering our students in the competition in which we performed well.

Go Well!
NAIDOC week at Kindy. We have been learning about Cathy Freeman aboriginal athlete, we have made damper, we created an aboriginal flag by walking across the paper with paint on our feet. We learnt about ceremonies and had our faces painted. We learnt about the Season of Djeran and went on a nature walk to discover the red flowers that are a sign of the season.

PP Classes and PP-1 Visual Art

Friday’s Art classes this Term were inspired by the Artist Gary Hirsch. His work is based upon spreading joy! By creating Robot illustrations and sculptures.
In today’s lesson we created facial expressions through the media of felt and collage, reminiscent of spreading joy in our own artwork!
Ms Horko
School Board
Many of you will know Lacey Filipich – parent, previous Board Chair, parent rep. Lacey has been a very active parent and participant in the school community over the past six years and, sadly for us, is leaving to pursue adventures further south.
Lacey Filipich joined the School Board in 2018 when the Chair, Tammy Tansley, encouraged her to join. In 2021, Lacey took over as Chair from Kylie Telfer and, through the chaos of COVID, guided the Board through this challenging time. During Lacey’s time on the Board, she supported Richmond to transition to Independent Public-School status (in 2019) and, as Chair in 2021, played a key role in organising and delivering the school’s Centenary celebrations. The Centenary was a mammoth task undertaken by a multitude of people, one of whom was Lacey. On the day, you would have found Lacey in the Library interviewing octogenarians and nonagenarians! If you are interested, there are around 30 alumni interviews recorded by Lacey available on the school’s web page.
With Lacey’s support, I have taken over as Board Chair – but these are big shoes to fill. Lacey brought to the school a wealth of ideas, a passion for education and a willingness to step up and lead by example. She was at once a photographer, finance adviser, graphic designer, interviewer, parent, leader and more. She will be sorely missed…but may be back! Our eyes are on the horizon (July 2024), when we hope to welcome back the Filipich’s to Richmond Primary. Who knows!? Watch this space.
Matthew Rose
Board Chair
Calming Minds

Next term, starting Wednesday 26 July, the Calming Minds Children’s Movement will run a Mindful Meditation 8-week Programme for students in years 3 -6, and will be covering the themes of Mindfulness, Positive Self-Talk, Trust, Gratitude, Emotions, Resilience, Connection and Love.
The programme will be held in the school library and will run for an hour a week for 8 weeks, starting Week 2, Term 3.
Session One has now filled and will be on Wednesday 26 July at 3:10pm -4:10pm and Session Two still has spots available and will start Wednesday 26 July at 4:20pm -5:20pm.
We are thrilled that Richmond students can get involved.
We could potentially run sessions on Thursday after school if we have enough interest.
Please sign up through Calming Minds. Students in years 3 and 4 should’ve brought a flyer home with QR code links. If you haven’t received a flyer, there are spare copies at the school office.
What is different about me now I have completed the 8 Week Programme?
- I think I’m a lot more calm and relaxed a lot of the time.
- I am calmer and I can enjoy life much nicer.
- I don’t get angry as often as I used to.
- I seem to be less stressed and happier. I am able to keep myself calm instead of raging out at someone.
- I am calmer and I now have some breathing exercises.
- I don’t fiddle as much.
- I am less stressed and don’t fret over the little things.
Shaun Tan Award
Congratulations to Thomas Clarke who is a finalist for his year group in the Shaun Tan Awards with his artwork. Thomas’s piece will be exhibited at the Subiaco library from 10 July to 6 August.
Please visit the following link 2023 Shaun Tan Award – People’s Choice Award (pollunit.com) and/or visit the Subiaco Library to vote for the People’s Choice Award.

The Terror of the North Atera Robots.
A reminder, Enrolments for the 2024 Kindy Programme will close on Friday 21 July. Applications received after this date will go on our waitlist.
Out of School Hours Activities
Tennis Lessons will start in Week 2 of Term 3. Please click on the following link for more information and to sign up. Coaching at Schools New | Marshall’s Tennis Academy (marshallstennis.com.au)
Bricks 4 Kidz will be available in Term 3. Please click on the following link for more information and to sign up.
After School Education & Enrichment Classes | Bricks 4 Kidz Applecross, Perth
Before and After School Care – OSHClub
Please follow the link below for more information.