Our wonderful Chaplain Jason shared the following ‘Quote of the Day’.
I just overheard one of the students saying to another student about the running on the veranda…
“You can jog or sprint, but you’re just not allowed to run”
After a long cold week, the comment certainly made me smile.
Next week, classes throughout the school will be celebrating NAIDOC week with a variety of classroom activities, which we will share next Friday. Mrs Bockman has organised the Great Book Swap for Thursday, an event which was so successful last year. With the upcoming referendum on the VOICE to parliament it may be good opportunity for family discussions around the table. It certainly is not the schools place to provide an opinion, however conversations may clarify the referendum process.
Winter Festival
If you get an opportunity, please bring the family down to the school on Sunday to the Winter Festival organised by our Yr 6 Student Leaders. They came to me earlier this term with the idea to raise money for a gift to the school at the end of the year. Throughout the term they have been meeting after school and have organised the event. It is great that the idea came from the students who want to give back the School Community. I am looking coming down on Sunday and enjoying the homemade soup and picking up some cakes for later in the day. For everyone’s sake I will stay away from the pampering stall.
Kindy Enrolments 2024
Enrolments into our 2024 Kindergarten Programme close on Friday 21 July. Applications received after this date will go on a wait-list. We are almost at capacity.
Freja Holmer – Road Safety Talk
I was approached by one of our parents (thanks Jess) who had a chance meeting with Freja Holmer – a 20-year-old resident who had a scooter accident one street from the school and wasn’t wearing a helmet. Freja was keen to share her experience with the older students and spoke of need to wear a helmet on the road. It was a powerful message that should be reinforced at home with all students. We are often approached by members of the community about students not following the road rules on bikes and scooters. At a school level, we build road safety and learning into class lessons, and we also run a bike safety programme for students in year 4. This message needs to be revisited at home.
Your child’s/children’s Semester 1 report which covers Terms 1 and 2, will be sent out via Connect next week. If you are having problems accessing Connect, please contact Lara – 9438 8700
Great Book Swap
Thursday June 29 outside the library
Books will be collected from classrooms first thing Thursday morning.
Stall will be open to purchase books (gold coin donation) from 10 am.
The Stall will also be open at recess and lunch. Students will visit during school hours.
The QR code below takes you directly to the donation page for Richmond PS.
Your donation helps provide culturally relevant books and learning resources to children and families living in remote Communities across Australia. Donations also support the publishing of books written by Communities, for Communities, in languages of their choice.
Dreamtime Committee
Calming Minds
Next term, starting Wednesday 26 July, the Calming Minds Children’s Movement will run a Mindful Meditation 8-week Programme for students in years 3 and 4, and will be covering the themes of Mindfulness, Positive Self-Talk, Trust, Gratitude, Emotions, Resilience, Connection and Love.
The programme will be held in the school library and will run for an hour a week for 8 weeks.
Session one will be on Wednesday 26 July at 3:10pm -4:10pm and session two 4:20pm -5:20pm.
We are thrilled that Richmond students can get involved.
We could potentially run sessions on Thursday after school if we have enough interest.
Please sign up through Calming Minds. Students in years 3 and 4 should’ve brought a flyer home with QR code links. If you haven’t received a flyer, there are spare copies at the school office.
PEAC Testing
Year 4 students will be assessed for the Primary Extension and Challenge 2024 Program on Monday 31 July.
If you do not wish your child to be assessed, please notify the school in writing/email before Monday 24 July.
OSH Club Messages