Music Assembly
Today’s assembly was a showcase of the music program and was ably compared by our Music Captains Miriam, Evie, Lucas, and Noah. Our collective thanks go out to Mrs Bertolini for the time she puts into coordinating the assembly which reflects the exemplary program at Richmond.
A Message from the Music Captains
This morning the whole school community was here to watch the amazing Music Assembly that took us around the world. We were so lucky to have the lovely Mrs Bertolini working hard in the weeks leading up to this event and to help us out through the assembly today. Thank you to Ellie Larkin and Emily Seedman for helping the Pre-Primaries and all the teachers who gave up their teaching time to help the kids with their assembly piece. We would also like to say a big thanks to Mrs Bertolini for making the music assembly possible.
By Lucas and Noah
Father’s Day Morning Tea
Thanks to the P&C and Mike Slattery for hosting the Father’s Day Morning Tea in the quadrangle this morning. It was well attended with a few grandparents enjoying coffee and the snacks on offer.
P & C Wine Fundraiser Launch Event
The Wine Fundraiser Launch Event last night was a great success, with thanks to Sophie Cherry and Leeuwin Estate for their wonderful hosting! The fundraiser will run for the next few weeks and the order form is attached. Parents can download and submit their orders, as per the instructions on the form.
Athletics Carnival
It is the time of the year when we are constantly looking at the BOM site for the forecast for the planned Athletics Carnival. We also understand that many parents take leave on the day to watch children compete and win the parent race. In the event an inclement weather forecast carnival for Friday a decision to postpone the carnival will be made on Tuesday 12th @ 3.30 and will be communicated to the School Community via Connect with the new planned date.
On the day of the carnival all students will return to school with their teachers rather than sent home with parents.
Year 6 2023 Graduation Photos
Graduation photos will be taken on Monday 18th September 9am. Please wear your Leavers shirts. Parents, we will also send you a reminder.
Year 6 parents can you please advise the front office for Orientation Days that your child will be attending.
P & C News
Throughout this year our hard-working P&C have been fundraising for the Flexible Learning Space/Steam Room project.
Currently, the funds raised this year from the Hot Cross Bunraiser, Art Tea Towels and East Fremantle Community Grant have all been put towards this, leaving the P&C with about $1500 to fundraise towards this space.
Our next Fundraiser is the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle on Saturday, 23 September at Melville Bunnings.
The P&C are asking for a few more parent volunteers to help out.
School Disco
Lost property can be found at the front office.
Community Notices
Starlight Children’s Foundation Charity Event
This glamorous event will be held at the Naval Store (Octopus warehouse) just near the container rainbow in Fremantle, it’s the perfect location for all the Richmond parents to have a fun night out, child free!
You can check out all the details on the website here;
Phoenix Park Little Athletics Club
Phoenix Park Little Athletics Club have recently opened their registrations for the summer season and are hoping to welcome some new children.
They have a ‘Come & Try Session’ at our training ground in Spearwood next week, 12th & 14th September.
Little athletics is a wonderful community sport and great for developing fundamental fitness. This year the Australian Government is offering $300 Kid Sport voucher, for families with a concessions card (this would fully cover fees).
Calming Minds
The next course will begin Week 2 Term 4 Thursday 19th October after school, session one 3:10pm -4:10pm and session two 4:25pm -5:25pm in the library.
To get your child involved in this programme it will be first in best dressed, a bookings link is on the note. Sign up directly through Calming Minds not through school.
This programme is proven current evidence-based research, mindfulness and mediation supports the overall wellbeing; physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally and covers the themes of Mindfulness, Positive Self-Talk, Trust, Gratitude, Emotions, Resilience, Connection and Love.