Our Yr 6 students have led the school magnificently throughout the year and today’s assembly highlighted the talent within the group are involved with the writing, choreography of the assembly. The group also raised money for a gift to the school and are working with a local artist Amanda Young to paint a mural that will be installed over the new drink fountains. It is a busy term for the group who will also be attending camp at Point Peron next week for an action-packed week.
Interschool Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to our Athletics Team who competed in the carnival at the WA Athletics Stadium. The teamed upheld all the school values and were a credit to our student cohort. Thanks to Mr Thoroughgood, Mr Carder and all the staff for the extra training sessions throughout the term.
Congratulations goes to:
Bronze Year 3 Girls Orla L
Bronze Year 5 Boys Lochlan S
Silver Year 4 Girls Alicia W and Anna F
Silver Year 6 Girls Emmi K
Silver Year 6 Boys Harrison D
Gold Year 4 Girls Ella R
Canteen Day
Canteen Day is held on the first Friday in November each year to celebrate school canteens and pay tribute to canteen staff and volunteers. This is an initiative of the Western Australian School Canteen Association Inc (WASCA), supported by the Department of Education. It highlights the vital role school canteens play in creating a healthy food environment, supporting student wellbeing, and assisting families. Canteen Day is an opportunity to thank our canteen staff and volunteers. When they work together with parents, teachers and students, the canteen becomes a focal point for the food and nutrition education that supports and reinforces what students learn at home, classroom and in the community.

Happy National Canteen Day! On the 3rd November it’s WA Canteen Day. A special day that we can acknowledge the people that have given up their precious time to help and support the Richmond Primary school canteen. We would like to give a huge thank you to Ros the canteen manager for her remarkable effort and all the other volunteers that help. Every week the food is amazing and when kids are in line, they have smiles on their faces. We hope that you will stay for years to come. Thank you!
By Amelia, Aya and Olivia
Rapid Junior Chess Championship
Well done Iris M and Mitch who represented Richmond PS at the inter-school chess tournament last Sunday. Both Iris and Mitch participate in the popular Richmond Chess Club coordinated by our Chaplain, Jason.

Gardening Club
The second harvest of the healthy produce was made available to community for those summer salads that are appearing as the weather warms up. Thanks to our gardeners and volunteers.
Mr Mackesey will give a prize for our garden produce being served at home! Send in your photos to win!
Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Programs
Information has been sent home for students in Yr 5 2023 to apply now for entry into Year 7 in 2025.