We’ve had an excellent start to the term with the last of the warm weather. This makes it a pleasure to be outside during recess and during lunch breaks.
I want to thank Mr Carder and Mrs Holst-Marsh for relieving me in my absence at what was a busy end to the first term. Heather (Mrs Mack) and I enjoyed spending time in Japan and Vietnam and returned home to a messy house and an empty fridge – courtesy of my children!
The Richmond Public School Review which was shared with the community in the first term was a positive endorsement and is available on our website. This is shaping the formation of our new Strategic Plan, which guides our school planning and will be available later in the term. The staff professional learning day focused on our priority of highlighting the STEAM approach with staff sharing examples of projects from Kindergarten to Year 6. This work will be ongoing and complemented by future professional learning.
The new classroom is in operation. This has put a huge smile on the faces of Mrs Driscoll and Mrs Horko who have been travelling from class-to-class teaching art in the first term. Students in Year 5/6 are also pleased to be part of the school’s senior hub.
Thanks also go out to parents led by Sholeh Rutstein who worked in the garden last Saturday. We will discuss with the P&C the possibility of establishing a Community Garden that the students and wider community can be involved with. The P&C will meet this Tuesday at 7.00 pm in the library and all parents are invited to attend. Michelle and the committee have a full schedule of community events planned for the year. They are focused on continuing community events.
Parent Representatives or delegates are also invited to Information Sessions. These sessions will focus on school planning for the term and seek clarification on any queries. I will follow up with you about the results from an ongoing campaign around obtaining a Crossing Guard for the Canning Hwy crossing. This campaign has been championed by the P&C.
The meetings are scheduled for:
Thursday 18th @ 9.00 – 9.45 am or 2.15 – 3.00 pm
Friday 19th @ 2.15-3. 00 pm
Please email Lara to RSVP which session you would like to attend.
Dental Screening
Our Dental Officer and Team will soon be visiting the school to do Dental Health Service Screening of jaw growth and development for school children in Pre-primary, Year 3 and Year 6 who are enrolled in the School Dental Service.
Some children who missed their dental screening last year will also be seen.
Screening will take place at the school on Tuesday 30 May. There is no need for parents to attend.
Any queries please contact the Palmyra Dental Therapy Centre on 9339 4868
Aussie of the Month
We are looking for our next ‘Aussie of the Month’
Each month, our school will choose a student to receive an award called ‘Aussie of the Month’. To receive this award, students will have shown our school values which are: respect for the community, respect for others, respect for learning, respect for the environment and respect for yourself in the school setting or out in the community. If your child is nominated for Aussie of the Month, their nomination form will be looked at by our teachers, some of our year 6 leaders, our principal, and a member from the school committee; and a recipient will be chosen.
Nominations may be made by sporting clubs, local businesses, teachers, and the Richmond community. Once a month at one of our regular assemblies, the Aussie of the Month will be presented. We will send your child home with a notification so if you would like, you may arrange for carers or friends to come along. Your child will receive a certificate, a badge, and a special gift; they will also have their photo taken and with your permission, it will be published in the newsletter.
We encourage all children to have a go at becoming a recipient of this award.
We wish you all the best of luck,
If you would like to nominate a student, we would love for you to email us: richmond.ps@education.wa.edu.au
and let us know who the student is and what value/s they displayed. Nomination
forms can also be collected from the school office.
Ava Colman, School Captain

The Dads and Kids Bush Walk and High Ropes Course is all set for the weekend of
20 -21 May 2023.
Full details and tickets are now available on TidyHQ…! Here’s the link:
From the P&C
A reminder for all financial members of the P & C.
Please could you email Michelle with your preferred contact email address and phone number.
Her email address is: detailwa@me.com
65 Roses for Cystic Fibrosis
65 Roses Day raises awareness about Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is one of the most common, life-limiting genetic conditions, affecting children and adults. This year, 65 roses day takes place on Friday 26 May 2023 as this is their National Day of Awareness about Cystic Fibrosis.
1 in 25 Australians carry the gene. Currently there is no cure for this condition.
This year, Richmond Primary School will be helping with their fundraising. You can help us raise awareness and funds for research, by purchasing a rose or two at school on the day. 65 Roses Day for Cystic Fibrosis 2023 | CFWA
We will be selling roses in the quad before and after-school on Friday 26 May. Roses are $5.00 each and can be purchased using cash or card.

Congratulations to Sam W for receiving a silver medal in the 50m Freestyle swimming competition (Boys 10yr old event) at the recent Junior State Championships.
Community Notices
Fremantle Rotary Club
St Pat’s Community Centre Appeal
As many of you would have seen on Instagram and Facebook, our local St Pat’s Shelter in Fremantle is facing unprecedented demand for their services. They’re urgently in need of non-perishable food items. Our school office and the kindy are collection points for donations until Friday 12 May.
Thank you to those who have already donated.

Perth Goju Karate teaches karate classes in your local area.
A special offer for the school’s students – 4 WEEKS FREE beginners karate lessons!
Classes are held after school and are a great way for children of all ages to learn self-defense in a fun and safe environment.
We also teach classes for teens and adults, and they are fantastic for fitness, wellbeing and of course, self-defense.
Classes continue over the school holidays (with a short break over the Christmas period) which makes it perfect for the kids who are looking to try something on the holidays.
Karate has many benefits which include confidence, respect, discipline, and fitness.
Call now to take advantage of this 4-week trial.
Sensei Johnny Moran – 0402 830 402
Facebook pages – perth goju karate
Instagram – perthgojukarate
Google – www.perthgojukarate.wordpress.com
Calling all Year 6 students!
Applications to Fremantle College Approved Specialist Programs close soon. To ensure you secure a place in Year 7 2024, please complete your application by Friday 26 May 2023.
Applications can be completed online via the below link:
For further information, please call our Enrolments Team on 9338 8900.
We look forward to welcoming you to our Fremantle College community.