Today we celebrate World Teachers Day
The work of teachers and all staff at school has become increasingly complex and demanding and it comforting to know the work is appreciated by the School Community. Our staff have shown great resilience during challenging times, and it was great to see and ‘taste’ the appreciation from the community today.
The challenges will be ongoing as the amazing morning tea supplied by parents today is sure to add a few kilos collectively to the staff. Thanks, to Sholeh and her team who coordinated and styled the morning tea that could easily have featured in a magazine.
The ongoing support from the parent body and appreciated by staff and sets schools like Richmond apart. This support is ongoing with the P&C, School Board and the many volunteers who offer valuable time and expertise to support the learning program and the school in general. I had the pleasure of visiting classrooms this morning and seeing a variety of volunteers – including Science guest speakers, parent helpers, which also included grandparents. It is great modelling for students to see parents giving back to the school in so many ways.
Pronunciation: Bulga
The Noongar name for a grass tree is Balga. Their spiritual connection is as a guardian of people and place, as well as playing a practical role; the stalks provide materials for lighting fire, and it exudes resin that holds objects together.
Premiers Reading Awards
I had the pleasure of attending the awards ceremony this week to see Frankie Williams receive her prize after being selected as a year group winner. Congratulations
Science Speakers
Friday morning saw our final speaker for the parent Science Speaker program in 2022. Our parent presenter was Gerry Spanninga who spoke to Mr Townsend’s Room 13 Science students about Geology. He and his wife Michelle brought in in a fantastic range of rocks and minerals. He showed students a range of rocks and minerals, explained types of geological rocks and how fossils form. A big thank you to Gerry and Michelle Spanninga for their time and a big thanks to Silvia Piviali for organising the parent Science Speaker program in 2022, her enthusiasm for all things science is fantastic.
From Silvia & Anita, Science Club coordinators:
‘This year, we have been very privileged to deliver three Science club sessions to your children from years 3 to 5. The topics have arranged from general science, genetics, conservation to geology which is a broad and exciting base. The club heavily relies on guest speakers drawing from the Richmond parent population. If you work in the STEM fields and can spare 1 hour, please contact me (Silvia) on for involvement in 2023.’
What’s On Week 4
Wednesday 2 November: Interschool Athletics Carnival for Selected year 3 – 6 students
This event is being held at Bateman Primary School
Friday 5 November: Rooms 12 & 14 Assembly
John Curtin College of the Arts Orientation
Orientation will be on Thursday 1 December; this is for students who have enrolled in year 7 at JCCA for 2023.
Netball Excursion
Today, selected years 4, 5 and 6 students attended Melville Senior Highschool to play in a Netball Carnival.
Congratulation to Martha and Luella for getting into the All Stars Team for the day and to Team 4 for winning the West Coast Fever Cup.
P&C News
1. Doughnut run
A Krispy Kreme treat day!
Fresh doughnuts are being delivered to the school for collection on Friday 11 November
2. Wise Winery Fundraiser
Order a minimum of 12 wines (cases can be mixed) or 2 bottles of gin from Wise to get a 10% discount and delivery to your doorstep! Perfect for Xmas celebrations/gifts. This offer will close on Dec 3rd. DISCOUNT CODE EFPC22 to be entered at checkout. This is such a good offer with 20% of sales coming to the school so it would be great to see more orders coming in! – Please note this link isn’t active due to Dept of Education Policy but you can still enter the address manually into your search engine.
Plus don’t forget to keep the following dates free:
*COLOUR RUN Friday 25 November from 3pm on the school oval. We will be setting up a What’s App group for all who have kindly offered to help…. please let me know if you can help with set up that day. We are desperately searching for great ideas for colour stations (hay bales/tyres/mini assault course type thing) and would love an inflatable start/finish sign if anyone has one handy
*MOVIE NIGHT Saturday10 December. Bring a picnic/food/drink and blankets to the school oval to watch an outdoor movie under the stars! This is always a popular night. Tickets will go on sale nearer the time.
Thanks all and enjoy the last term of the year! The P and C will be looking for new faces for 2023 so if you have any questions about becoming part of the team, please yell out at
Footy Colours Day Fundraiser
Well done Richmond P.S, we collectively raised $388.35 for the Fight Cancer Foundation.
Community News
Fremantle College Gifted and Talented Program – applications are now open!
Gifted and Talented education at Fremantle College enables children with exceptional academic ability to engage and flourish in a learning environment that is intellectually stimulating and rigorous. Learning programs are flexible and tailored to accelerate, extend and enrich the learning for each student. Classroom environments that are creative, promote divergent and higher-order thinking, as well as deliver an open-ended approach to learning, will foster the continued emergence of students’ gifts and talents, and growth in learning.
Find out more at:
Contact our Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator, Ms Susan Fahey for more information at: