What a fabulous end to Week 6!
Mr Townsend and Miss Sherman’s class assembly items were a celebration of the wonder of books and a perfect way to conclude a very successful Book Week.
Our thanks to Mrs Catalano for her efforts in highlighting the wide range of books on offer in the library and creating some fabulous displays. The parade was a highlight and congratulations to all students and staff who made the event so successful. In next weeks update we will highlight some of the other activities conducted during this very busy week.
The Great Book Swap
A big thank you to Mrs Bockman and our Student Leaders for organising The Great Book Swap earlier this week.
Together, we’ve raised $254.50 from gold coin donations for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation and a further $100.00 has been raised via online donations. If you would like to make a further contribution to this great cause, please click on the link. Richmond Primary School • Great Book Swap
Cross Country
A selected group of about 36 of our students represented Richmond magnificently at the inter-school cross country. We were very excited to win the Meritorious ‘A’ Division Shield for 2022. The students did themselves and us proud. The students have been exceptionally well prepared and helped by Mr Thorogood with the Marathon Club throughout the cold wintery weather.

Brass Quintet Incursion
We loved this incursion! The quintet was run by the head of IMSS Brass for the state Peter Younghusband. The older students played pieces familiar to us all.

DoRKs Events Update
The Dads and Kids Soccer match will be at 3:30pm on Thursday 1 September, followed by the Dads Dinner at 6:00pm (which is sold out!).
On Friday 2 September there will be a Father’s Day Cafe in the Quad, with free coffee for Dads and baked goodies available! Finally…. SAVE THE DATE of the weekend of 15/16 October for the Dads and Kids Camp on the Oval…. see you there!
Noongar Word of the Fortnight
Yongka means Kangaroo
Pronunciation “Yong-gu”
For tens of thousands of years, Indigenous Australians hunted kangaroo when necessary for survival. One thing they have never practiced or condoned is culling or mass slaughter. The skin of the kangaroo can be used for clothing and cladding of a mia mia (hut). The skin can also be made into bags for transporting bush tucker.
The official NAIDOC Week was in the last school holidays, so we decided to incorporate celebrations and learning opportunities into the calendar during Week 7. The staff are ensuring that cultural awareness is being built into the teaching programs as part of our Reconciliation Action Plan. Next week students will get an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that highlight the contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Students will be given an event passport to complete with activities organised by staff, Student Leaders, and parents.
Recycled Uniforms
We are still keen for donations of all uniform items, especially school fleeces, house tee shirts and blue hats. If you have any items that you’d like to donate, please drop them off at the office.
Community Notices
Junior Cricket Blast programmes commence 15 October.
Please click here for further information.
Melville Mariners Tee Ball Club
Come along to Marmion Reserve Melville on Saturday the 27th of August anytime between12:00pm – 2:00pm to register or click Here to register online.
East Fremantle Foreshore Planning
Help us create your foreshore plan that will have an outlook across the next 20 – 50 years. Please click here for further information and community survey.