The Student Councillors organised Pyjama Day, which coincided with the P&C hosting the Fathers Days Café. Ugg boots and dressing gowns were the order of the day with proceeds going towards Gene for Jeans (Pyjamas) and the canteen refurbishment. We’ve loved seeing the creativity of many of our students this week and we’re sure many of our dads and father figures will love some of the projects that are coming their way this weekend. Yesterday the DoRKs and their children enjoyed a fun afternoon in the sunshine playing soccer. The 56 children playing scored 10 goals against 8 to the 12 dads playing. Go Richmond Kids!
My big tip to all students this week has been that Father’s Day is not just a cup of tea and toast. It is a total commitment to spoil your father for the entire day and it is compulsory to laugh at all of Dad’s Jokes. Hopefully, the Dockers will also have a win to make the weekend memorable.
This week we have been celebrating our wonderful Education Assistants:
Mrs Cammarano and Miss Smith in Kindy
Mrs Hepworth, and Mrs Shine in Pre Primary
Mrs Daly and Mrs Nockolds Pre primary / Year1
Mrs Swainson Yr 1/2
Mrs Sachman Yr 5/6
Our students are extremely lucky to have such a dedicated, enthusiastic, dynamic, caring and friendly team of education assistants to work with, and help them. From running support programs and initiatives throughout the school to providing invaluable help to the teachers in the classroom and assisting students in groups and 1:1 with their work, the school would be lost without them.
Thank you for all that you do from all the staff at Richmond, you’re AMAZING!!
Next week the students will be participating in several activities linked to cultural awareness and belated NAIDOC Week activities.

Yeerap koola, Yira Yaak, Yoowarl Koorl Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! which is a call for action to bring about: “Systemic change and keep rallying around our mob, our elders and our communities.”
What does NAIDOC Week mean to indigenous Australians? NAIDOC Week occurs annually and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Aussie of the Month
Each month our school will be choosing a student to receive an Aussie of the Month. To receive this award, we encourage you to show Richmond’s values of respect for the community, learning, others, the environment and yourself.
Students who uphold these values will receive a nomination from our teachers and students. The selection process will include our Principal’s decision, with input from the Year 6 Leaders or a committee including parents, teachers and members from our community.
Once a month at a regular assembly the Aussie of the Month award will be presented. We will send a notification form home with the student so family and friends can arrange to be there. The student will receive a certificate, gift, badge and have their photo published.
We encourage your child to have a go at becoming a recipient of this award. Good Luck!
Lexi Rees, Student Councillor.
The fabulous Fremantle Firefighters came to visit on Monday morning and presented a very informative session to our year 3 students.
They spoke about the role of a firefighters, how to prevent or stop a fire emergency from happening, how to respond to a beeping smoke alarm, calling emergency services, crawling low under smoke and having a home fire escape plan. It was a fabulous experience for both students and staff.

Thank you, Fremantle Firefighters
School Board
The School Board met and went through a review of the recent survey results and feedback. The collated results will be shared with school community over the next few weeks. Broad themes for follow-up will also be shared and be included in the next strategic plan for the school.
Congratulations to Ava and Tom for getting through to the State Finals of the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee competition.

“I love to draw characters that are young, old and in between, as well as the wonderful creatures that we encounter in Australia – in the bush, the sea, the outback, or at home. I have a background in painting landscapes and love incorporating this into my illustrations. I love helping children learn new ways to bring their creative ideas to life through art”.
Our students were delighted to meet Karen (who is also a school parent) in our library last week. The kids had lots of great questions for Karen like “What book are you most proud of?” and “How many books have you illustrated or written?” We think Karen has inspired some future creative writers!


Dear Town of East Fremantle,
We thank you for donating a flag to our school. We really appreciate the flag, and it looks great! We will try to raise the flag as often as possible.
Thankyou from the Richmond Primary School Environment Team