Week 8
It has been another fun week at Richmond Primary. We’ve enjoyed the NAIDOC Week activities complemented by a wonderful assembly by the very talented Year 2 students.
One of the highlights this week was a visit from the Moorditj mob from Wesley College who performed for all the students on Wednesday. I would like to thank all teachers involved with a special mention to Mrs Bockman who leads our Reconciliation Action Plan. The plan is introducing cultural awareness throughout all areas of the teaching program, which has been well received by students and staff. We have also incorporated the Niergarup Track which is a local significant site into a new RAP logo, which will be used with our existing logo.

Aussie of the Month
We are excited to announce our first Aussie of the Month recipient -Ari Colman.
Ari was chosen for demonstrating responsibility and respect for the environment. She is proactive in supporting recycling initiatives and has demonstrated responsibility and care beyond her years.
Athletics Carnival – Jump & Throws on Tuesday and Field Events on Friday
We are looking forward to the carnival events next Tuesday and Friday, with information about the carnival events sent out to all parents via Connect earlier this week. I also appreciate the change on the first advertised dates was not ideal for all parents, especially those who had to make changes to planned leave. As the students will be walking to Henry Jeffrey Oval; for safety and duty of care it is important that students return to school with teachers and are dismissed at the end of the day.
Message from the Athletics Carnival Committee
The Athletics carnival is fast approaching and is scheduled for Friday 16th at Henry Jeffery Reserve. Why not make a family day of it and take advantage of the sweet and savoury delights the year 6 parents will be providing.
There will be a food stall and sausage sizzle (both meat and vegetarian) at the East Fremantle Junior Football Clubhouse. Breakfast, morning tea and lunch will be served throughout the day, and ice cream! Meat sausages have been kindly donated by Princi’s.
The DoRKs cafe will also be available for coffee, tea and hot chocolate. Let’s keep waste to a minimum so BYO cups if you have them available.
There will also be a raffle with vouchers from some of our favourite East Fremantle businesses up for grabs – Puck, Fresh Provisions, Mikado & Northern Star fish shop.
For kids, they will have the chance to win a jar of lollies by guessing the number of lollies in the jar.
There will be cash and EFTPOS facilities available, though cash is preferred for convenience. All proceeds will go to the P&C to help fund the year 6 graduation event.
We look forward to serving you whilst we cheer all our kids on. Let’s hope for great weather and let’s not forget to bring sunscreen and drink bottles which can be refilled at the clubhouse if need be.
Swimming Lessons years 1 -3
Swimming lessons start on Monday 12 September for students in years 1 -3 and will run for nine sessions across two weeks.
Please note: No Swimming Lessons on Friday 16 September
Please make sure your child has a complete school uniform (including underwear and a fleece) each day to put on after they return from swimming. We ask that you name all items your child will have at school, including additional items such as bathers, towels, flip flops, hairbrushes/combs, goggles and swim bags – it’s helpful to have a room number on these items as well.

Yeerap koola, Yira Yaak, Yoowarl Koorl Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! which is a call for action to bring about: “Systemic change and keep rallying around our mob, our elders and our communities.”
What does NAIDOC Week mean to indigenous Australians? NAIDOC Week occurs annually and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Students Leaving 2023
We are in the process of planning classes for 2023. If your child/children will be in years K- 6 in 2023, and they will be leaving Richmond to attend another school, please could you email Lara with the details. richmond.ps@education.wa.edu.au