Wow what a week of weather! Luckily the school held together well with not too many leaks reported. Sadly, one of the old Pepper trees on the oval has had to be removed due to damage sustained during one of the storm fronts.
Our Pre -primary students have enjoyed being able to play outside without getting rained on today. Some of the students were very excited to show off their version of ‘Love Island’ whilst others were busy enjoying other activities.

Our campus was busy before school this morning with OSH Club in the undercover area and Tennis Lessons happening on the courts.

Buzz Ed Incursion
We had a hive of activity in the undercover area yesterday afternoon. Some of our junior classes learnt all about bees and honey. Thank you, Luke

It has been great to see that we have over 100 responses to the Board Survey with good feedback that will be used by the Board in the school review process. There is still time to have your say as the survey is still open until August 12th.
As our Board Chair Lacey Filipich explains in this mini video, the school will soon be developing the next three-year strategic plan (2023 to 2025), so we’re really keen to get your views and valuable input.
Please complete this short (5 min) survey by 12 August 2022
House Events and Sports Update

Please note the following changes with upcoming events.
The State Cross Country (Years 3 -6 selected students) is still scheduled for Friday 12th August.
The Interschool Cross Country (Years 4 -6 ) has been rescheduled again and will now take place on Wednesday 24th August.
Our House Athletics jumps and throws day (Years 3 –6) will now take place on Tuesday, 13th September at Richmond PS. The top competitors will then compete in the final.
When the leader ball and pass ball teams are finalised, we will start to run training session at lunch time.
The House Sports Carnival (Years PP – 6) will be held this term on Friday 16th September, which the house captains will help run. This year it will be held at Henry Jeffery Reserve. Having the event at Henry Jeffery Reserve enables our students and parents to walk to the carnival. This creates a safer event and reduces our overall carbon footprint. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Feel free to come talk to the captains whenever you see us around the school.
Thank you, from the House Captains.
Long Bomb Competition
Thursday (4/8/22) was National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day – a day for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families to celebrate the strengths and culture of their children. We also recognised the impact and inclusivity that the AFL & AFLW provides for indigenous and non-indigenous children and communities.
To help celebrate the day we had a Long Bomb competition (kicking an Aussie rules football as far as possible) on the oval. All year levels participated and there were winners from each grade. The year six house captains were a great help in organising the field, equipment & kept the balls flying. Even a little rain didn’t dampen our spirits!
Congratulations to our Long Bomb Competition Winners

Please note choir is cancelled for the following two Mondays.
Student Council News
Pyjama Day (gold coin fundraiser) will be held on the 2nd September with the proceeds going towards the P&C.
Science Week Competition
Week 6 ( 22nd – 26th August) is Science week. As part of the scheduled events our year 6 team will be conducting a lunchtime competition. This will be held
All students are invited to build their very own moon buggy. All students are invited to build their very own moon buggy.

Going to the Moon? Then you will need to be able to get around. Why not enter our Moon Buggy Challenge!
Design and build a ‘Moon Buggy’ that can roll down a ramp and roll along by itself. Use your imagination to design your buggy or check sites on the internet for ideas … Pinterest, for a few ideas.
- The Moon Buggy’s perimeter and wheels must be able to fit on an A4 piece of paper (shoe box size).
- There is no motor or any form of propulsion.
- The Buggy is made from recycled materials (ie not a kit based Buggy).
Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th August
Your Moon Buggy will roll down a ramp and the total travelled distance will be measured.
The Moon Buggies which are the most creative and travel the furthest distance will win a prize.
Kindergarten Enrolments
I am pleased announce that we have been able to accommodate all local intake students’ enrolments for kindergarten for 2023 with enrolments capped at 60 students. Information has been sent out to families via mail. Please allow Australia Post a few days to get these to you. If you haven’t received your enrolment pack by Tuesday 9th August, please call Lara at the office 9438 8700.
Environmental Team
We were fortunate on Thursday to have Conor and Carly from the Town of East Fremantle join us at our weekly Environment team meeting. It was a great opportunity to discuss ways we can engage with the town of East Fremantle around the sustainability in our school and within our community. We discussed the importance on compostable bags in the green bins to ensure that what is placed in these bins can be composted without contamination. The town of East Fremantle will provide each class with a small compostable bin and compostable bags. We discussed the possibility of having presence regarding the Climate Emergency Action Plan. Richmond Primary school and the Environment team are very excited about our developing relationship with the Town of East Fremantle Waste and Sustainability Team.
P & C
Hello and welcome to Term 3, here is a little update form the P&C who met on Tuesday in the Staff Room, which was a lot cosier than the undercover Area, where we had our previous meeting this year.
We had an update form Mr Mac, who filled us in on the school’s plans for this term. Although we are obviously still being affected by Covid, the school has a can-do attitude which we appreciate, they are doing what they can when they can with activities like Assemblies, NAIDOC Week and Book Week, which is just around the corner.
The P&C is hosting the Father’s Day Café on the first Friday in September in the Quad from 8am, it should be a fun morning as the Student Councillors are also running Pyjama Day on the same day so a Quadrangle full of Dad’s with a coffee and kids in their Pjs, please join us if you can, free coffees for dads.
As you know the focus of our efforts last year with the Fair was to replace the playground on the oval that had metal fatigue. Over the holidays the new playground has been installed, it’s monkey bar heaven and we hope it’s enjoyed by the Richmond kids for years to come. This year our focus is to improve the canteen, our aim is to raise $10,000 so replace the sink, benches and oven. So, this term and next we will be running a few fundraisers. A Doughnut Run will be happening in the next couple of weeks, an opportunity to buy some Howard Park wines in term 3, which will be delivered to your door and next term a Colour Fun Run.
Before I scoot, I would like to say a thank you to couple of people… Thank you, Ms Sachman and the Environmental Team, Ros and the school community really appreciate your efforts in the Containers for Change initiative that is running at Richmond, it reduces waste and raises awareness and funds, well done team!
Thank you to the East Fremantle Lions Club, who very generously donated $100 to our efforts to improve the Canteen. Pete Eastman, our hard-working Treasurer, applied to the East Fremantle Council and secured a $1000 grant towards the canteen, thank you to Pete and the ToEF Council for their generosity.
I hope that the rain leaves us alone this weekend, have a good one.
Aoife Lannon
On behalf the RPS P&C
Have a great weekend.
From the Richmond PS Admin Team.