The Parent Speaker Program has been running at Richmond since 2018 with parents visiting classrooms to share stories of their work – whether that’s their career, hobby or volunteer role – and their lives.
It’s had fabulous feedback from students, teachers and parents alike, and has helped connect the curriculum to real life.
In the second half of 2020, we’re reinvigorating the Program to connect to events we observe at Richmond such as ANZAC Day, Bookweek, Dental Health Week, Environment Day and International Disabilities week. We’re also seeking speakers on classroom specific topics. We are especially interested to hear from Indigenous speakers.
If being a parent speaker is of interest, please complete the form below.
Thank you!
How it works
- Parents nominate themselves and their area of expertise via the form at the bottom of this page. Details are added to our internal database.
- Teachers select a speaker they’d like to have in their classrooms. This is based on the age and interests of their students, as well as what they’re covering in the curriculum. Not all parent volunteers will be called on in a given year, so please don’t worry if you haven’t been contacted.
- The teacher emails the speaker to request an in-class visit. If the speaker is willing and available to visit, they work together to agree a suitable time. We emphasise: the visit is optional, and you are under no obligation to accept requests.
- Speaker prepares their talk. This might be as simple as thinking about what they’ll cover. We encourage you to watch our short five minute introduction video before your visit for some tips.
- Speaker delivers their talk. This is the fun bit! The students have the opportunity to ask questions and everyone learns something in the process.
We aim to begin video recording these talks to share via Connect. If you’ve been contacted to deliver a talk, please let us know if you’re happy to be recorded.
Willing to be a speaker?
Please complete the form below to be added to our data base.
[contact-form to=”” subject=”Parent Speaker Program”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Phone” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”What are your area/s of expertise and experience? Select as many as apply. ” type=”checkbox-multiple” options=”Animal and Environment role,Artist – painter/sculptor/musician/dancer/poet/writer/singer/illustrator/designer etc,International living/working , Community worker – ambulance/fire/health nurse/dentist/specialist doctor/radiologist/rescue worker,Conservation – land and animal,Defence Forces – army/navy/air force,Electrician,Electrical Engineer,Engineer,Entertainer,Farming,Finance industry,Geologist,Journalist,Law and Order – customs official/police/judge/lawyer,Local business owner,Local government – elections/library/health/arts/parks/environment/waste/pools/sporting facilities/ranger,Local history – building/site/person/natural environment,Local utilities sector,Maps – cartographer,Migration stories,Older generation speaker – history,Physicist,Resources sector,Scientist,Speaker from another country and/or culture,Surveyor or town planner,Volunteer,Weather observer or presenter”][contact-field label=”Please explain your expertise/experience so teachers can work out how best to connect your story to events and curricula.” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]
Note: If you have nominated previously and are no longer able to participate please email the school to be removed from the database.