Supporting the emotional and physical wellbeing of our students.
At Richmond, we recognise the emotional and physical wellbeing of our students is pivotal to their success at school, as adolescents, and in their future lives. Physically and emotionally healthy students are happy, able to deal positively with life’s challenges, experience a sense of connectedness with the school and others, and are well placed to develop into well-balanced and successful young adults.
Health is the extent to which an individual or group is able, on one hand, to realise aspirations and satisfy needs and, on the other hand, to change or cope with the environment. Health is, therefore seen as a resource for everyday life, not an object of living; it is a positive concept emphasising social and personal resources, as well as physical capabilities. World Health Organisation (WHO), 2000
We have a dedicated student services team led by our Deputy Principal Student Services, Erika Holst-Marsh. The school-based team comprises a school chaplain (two days a week, Tuesday and Friday), school psychologist (one day a week – Monday) and a visiting school nurse as required who conducts screening tests. These three professionals operate on an opt-in basis with parent awareness.
We regularly access external support from the Schools of Special Educational Needs – Disability, Sensory or Medical and Mental Health.
We also work closely with external speech and occupational therapists and health professionals at the point of need.
Approximately 1%-5% of our students require intensive support and a further 5%-10% require small group support.
Most students 85%+ often do not need to access student support services as described above. Classroom teachers play a main role in the general pastoral care of all students and deliver a range of welfare programs to all classes through health lessons to support student engagement, resilience, connectedness and to address needs. Our whole school programs include Zones of Regulation, Aussie Optimism and Protective Behaviours.
To discuss your child’s pastoral care needs please contact Erika Holst-Marsh 9438 8700
Further Information
- Healthcare Forms
- Positive Behaviour Management
- Protective Behaviours
- School Psychologist
- School Chaplaincy
- Positive Parenting
- School Refusal
- Anxiety
- Specific Learning Disorders
- Differentiation