
Principal: Erika Holst-Marsh

Deputy Principals: Dave Carder (teaching & learning) and Rebecca Button

Manager Corporate Services: David Corbett

Teachers & Classes 2024

Early Years: K-2  Kate Bockman, Mel Longman, Julie Dyer, Natalee Newton, Rebecca Brown, Helen Sellers, Deb Wells, Prue Lane, Sarah Fogwill, Kirsty Scurry, Isabella Jesson, Jenny Moore, Vanessa Ryan

Middle Primary: 3-4  Cecilia Fravi, Nicole Horsley, Claire Copson-Pacal, Rebecca Sorrell, Gail Rose, Lee Maloney

Upper Primary: 5-6  Megan Burke, Jessica Sherman, Eileen McKenzie, Lloyd Tifflin

Italian: Antonella Blanchard

Visual Art: Kate Driscoll

Music: Moyanne Bertolini  

Phys Ed: Rob Thorogood  

Education Assistants 

Special Needs: Trish Swainson, Melissa Daly, Paige Breen

Mainstream: Tracy Cammarano, Tracey Smith, Rose Nockolds, Liz Hepworth, Elle Millar

Support Staff 

School Officers: Sarah Hustwick & Kellie Regnard

Library Officer: Susan Catalano

Psychologist: Erin Gothard-Fox

Chaplain:  Jason Cox

Head Cleaner: Serrina Ferreira

Cleaner: Alannah Kemp

Gardener: Denise Wardle

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